"Jesus said to his disciples:
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
And I will ask the Father,
and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always,
the Spirit of truth(John 14:15-16)
All of our readings at Mass are beginning to prepare us for Penticost.  Another Advocate will be given to us, one with the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit.  Every time i think about and pray through and in the Spirit, i think of the great alabaster glass window of the Holy Spirit that is rightfully placed above the Altar of the Chair in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.  I have been blessed to see it three times in my life, and i am struck with awe and devotion each time.  It reminds me that the Spirit is with us, as a helper and a guide, but also as a great sign of the life of Christ living and present here among us, especially in the Sacraments. 

As i have mentioned several times before, i am trying to pray more these days using less words, contemplating the voice of God and listening to my inner spiritual thirsts.  One way i pray with the Holy Spirit i learned in Seminary from the then Archbishop Harry Flynn.  He simply prayed the words, "Come Holy Spirit, Come!  Come Holy Spirit."  Simple words that can draw us into deeper and more meaningful prayer, especially as we await Penticost a few weeks away.  It is really an ancient form of song and reflection, many may remember singing "Vene Sancte Spiritu" in adoration or in reflection after Mass.  This week may the Spirit enkindle a fire of Love in our hearts for the Lord, for His mercy and providence in our lives.  Come Holy Spirit, Come! 
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)  Often times we stray and try to follow our own path, the way we want to go.  But Jesus reminds us today in the Gospel of John, that He alone is the way.  No map or GPS System is going to take us where Christ will take us, as long as we are willing to let Him take the wheel.  Who is driving your Life?  (From my homily this weekend)

A New Day has Dawned

I am trying this out for the first time.  Hope is that eventually i can post some good Catholic stuff here and share the Good News.  Happy weekend to all.